FAQ: QR codes

How can I read QR codes?

With a smartphone, tablet, or whatever technology that has an installed App that allows the device’s camera to scan QR codes.

What free app can I use to read QR codes?

There are tons of free apps that will let you do this. To find one, just go to the place where you usually download apps (like the Apple’s App Store or Google Play) and search for “Free QR reader”.

How can I make a QR code?

There are tons of websites that let you do this for free, but to save you the googling, I’ll explain to you how to make a QR code using the straight-to-the-point website called “QR code generator”.

  1. Go to goqr.me
  2. Choose the type of QR code that you want to make. The options are:
  • url (this is the one you use for images and videos)
  • text
  • vcard (contact info)
  • sms
  • call
  • geolocation
  • email
  • wifi access

03. Depending on your choice, fill in the required contents.

04. Click the “Download” button under the live preview of your QR code.

05. Personalize the QR code and download it in the format that better suits your needs (svg, png, jpeg, eps).

Kids activities with QR codes

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